Parallel computation of Graph Edit Distances with a Progressbar in Python

In some of my research, I found myself comparing graphs with different metrics under changing environments. One of these sets of graphs was simply of size 831

num_graphs = len(df_both["graph_theme"].unique())
f"{num_graphs} graphs makes {int(((num_graphs**2)-num_graphs)/2)} pairs"

‘863 graphs makes 371953 pairs’

for which I wanted to compute similarity matrices with the graph edit distance (GED). The graph edit distance is quite expensive to obtain, so I usually selected only graphs I really was interested in and then computed pairwise graph edit distances. Based on properties associated to the graphs, the arrangement of the similarity matrices could change. As I was computing more things on top of that and I needed to share my visualizations with matplotlib/seaborn/plotly both interactively and in good resolution for presentations and papers, I started a mini tool pynbcache that takes a hash of a function and its parameters and caches its result. That way, I could pre-compute results and for presentations of my jupyter notebooks I could work on a local cache or even share the cache through a MinIO cloud instance.

However, at some point I realized that it would be good to have all pairs of graph edit distances available (and needed that caching only for other more dynamic stuff). Earlier, I was already computing the GEDs in parallel, but it always bothered me that I could not really re-use the results or observe when the computations finished. So I wanted to share my solution on using the awesome joblib library in combination of a tqdm progressbar contextmanager with which the progress of e.g. 3720 chunks of graph pairs could be observed while it was computing the distances for about one and a half hours.

The graphs are associated with unique identifiers (as strings) but I found it to make a significant (huge!) difference in RAM usage when using indices. While the UUIDs are good for later identification (instead of indices), for the parallel GED computation I used a mapping idx -> UUID:

map_graphs = {idx: gt for idx, gt in enumerate(df_both["graph_theme"].unique())}

In a next step, I broke pairs of graphs into chunks of e.g. size $C=100$ such that not everything is just parallelized (takes some overhead).

break_into_chunks = lambda ll, n: [ll[i * n:(i + 1) * n] for i in range((len(ll) + n - 1) // n )]
size_chunksofpairs = 100
pairs_graph_ids = list(itertools.combinations(range(num_graphs), r=2))
len(pairs_graphs)  # 371953
chunksof_pairs_graph_ids = break_into_chunks(pairs_graphs, size_chunksofpairs)

[(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4)]

Now, my function to parallelize is simply the following (to compute the GED):

def obtain_chunk_geds(chunk_ids, map_graphs, path_save:str = None, ctnasapi=api):
    geds = []
    for ix1, ix2 in chunk_ids:
        gid1 = map_graphs[ix1]
        gid2 = map_graphs[ix2]
        g1 = ctnasapi.get_graph(gid1)  # retrieves a graph by UUID
        g2 = ctnasapi.get_graph(gid2)
        ged = nx.graph_edit_distance(g1, g2)
        geds.append([gid1, gid2, ged])
    if path_save is not None:
        df = pd.DataFrame(geds, columns=["graph_theme_1", "graph_theme_2", "GED"])
        df.to_csv(path_save, sep='\t', encoding='utf-8')
    return geds

The function needs access to the UUID by the used index (through map_graphs) and optionally stores results in a provided file (in csv format).

obtain_chunk_geds(chunksof_pairs_graph_ids[0][:4], map_graphs)

[[‘5c280f8d-60af-49ab-94fb-a2aa99e80dab’, ‘bd558561-3092-4d01-b5ab-1ba02ff0fc6f’, 4.0], [‘5c280f8d-60af-49ab-94fb-a2aa99e80dab’, ‘f6e954f7-1b0c-4824-bef3-2aaaba5b9b40’, 6.0], [‘5c280f8d-60af-49ab-94fb-a2aa99e80dab’, ‘1f3ede6d-da24-4709-b581-9920a40b1af6’, 5.0], [‘5c280f8d-60af-49ab-94fb-a2aa99e80dab’, ‘026445b9-e2a9-4053-a78e-b12eb5d1d687’, 4.0]]

The parallelization call with joblib now amounts to:

result = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
        os.path.join(path_chunks, f"ged-graph-themes-chunk{i}.csv")
    ) for i, chunk_pairs in enumerate(chunksof_pairs_graph_ids)

Through the chunking, we call the function only 3720 times in parallel. And for that, I wanted to see the progress bar. There’s an elegant solution by AlanSTACK on stackoverflow:

import contextlib
import joblib
from tqdm import tqdm

def tqdm_joblib(tqdm_object):
    """Context manager to patch joblib to report into tqdm progress bar given as argument"""
    class TqdmBatchCompletionCallback(joblib.parallel.BatchCompletionCallBack):
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)

    old_batch_callback = joblib.parallel.BatchCompletionCallBack
    joblib.parallel.BatchCompletionCallBack = TqdmBatchCompletionCallback
        yield tqdm_object
        joblib.parallel.BatchCompletionCallBack = old_batch_callback

which then did not require any (major) change to the invocation. Progress bar for free!

with tqdm_joblib(tqdm(desc="Calculating GEDs", total=len(chunksof_pairs_graph_ids))) as progress_bar:
    result = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
            os.path.join(path_chunks, f"ged-graph-themes-chunk{i}.csv")
        ) for i, chunk_pairs in enumerate(chunksof_pairs_graph_ids)
Visual example of a progressbar running the GED computation in jupyter notebook
Figure . Visual example of a progressbar running the GED computation in jupyter notebook